I just love being here.., Its really just exceeded my expectations. These musicians are teaching me totally different ways to look at how to do improve and how to hear pieces. -Jane U., Violinist
A teacher is so much more than one who imparts knowledge. A teacher can ignite and stir a passion within and in doing so, instill a lifelong love of learning. Our staff is passionate, talented and current in the NYC music scene.
Can Jazz Be Taught?
This question is still occasionally asked among professional jazz musicians and jazz educators. The short answer is an emphatic "Yes!". Even the most talented could benefit from an insightful approach to learning jazz. The approach to jazz pedagogy at NYJA involves the most innovative and successful materials on the market, extremely well-written ensemble music commissioned for use exclusively by NYJA, and a teaching staff that includes only the most aware, creative, and encouraging instructors. Every NYJA teacher must meet four criteria: (1) world-class performing talent, (2) a dynamic gift for teaching all levels of students, (3) a keenly articulate and thoughtful intellect, and (4) a friendly and encouraging personality. By enrolling in NYJA, students and parents both benefit from an extremely dedicated faculty and staff that is genuinely devoted to helping students grow as musicians and good citizens.
If you are not sure who would be the best teacher for you, please contact New York Jazz Academy, and we will be happy to match you with the right teacher.